Friday, February 10, 2012

Stick Figures (Robust&Prolyphic) - Stick Figures (2005)

Stick Figures, as characters in an artwork, are a joke amongst artists. It’s child’s play; anyone could draw a seemingly simple circle for a head, and five rudimentary lines for the body. But it goes much, much deeper than that. The stick figure represents the complexities of life in a simple way, so that everyone can understand (i.e.: hieroglyphics, cave drawings). BREAKING IT DOWN, not cluttering it up. Lacking only the flashiness that is used to impress the viewer, but distracts them from the real story being told, Robust and Prolyphic profess that a snake rattles from the back but strikes from the front.Robust and Prolyphic teamed up as Stick Figures to bring back the age old unappreciated art of keeping it raw, simple and to the point... so they made a simple, raw HIP-HOP album that went straight to the point. 
Going to the bare bone of it all, the roots, with no make up or fancy dress cover ups, and giving it out raw to the people and what you have when its all said is done is a stick figure. No smoke and mirrors.source:

*All tracks produced by Prolyphic

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